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收录时间:2021/5/24 17:25:11

关键字:我会  配不上  女孩  感觉  


1.i am fine.we are both fine.that's what matters.

我很好。wǒ men都还好。这才是最重要的。

2.i met a girl. we talked.that was epic...

我遇到一个女孩。wǒ men聊天,就像诗歌一样浪漫。。。

3.i know the risk,but i have to know her.


4.anyone's gonna kill you,it's gonna be me


5.this morning is...different. 这个早晨...很不一样

.there is change. i can sense it, 有所不同 我能察觉到

for the first time in a long time, 长久以来第一次真正的醒来

i feel completely and undeniably wide awake. 彻彻底底 真真切切

for once,i don't regret the day before it begins. 这一次 我没有为拂晓的褪去而惋惜

i welcome the day... 我迎接这白昼

both: because i know... 因为我知道...

stefan: i will see her again. 我会再见到她

i will see him again. 我会再见到他

for the first time in a long time, 长久以来我第一次

i feel good. 感到轻松愉悦

6、for over a century,i have lived in secret.一个世纪以来,我都秘密地活着。

7、i will start fresh.我要重新开始,做全新的自我。

8、i predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年kick ass有3个意思:1.给某人点颜色看看,2.拍马屁 3.了不起,很牛x(这里应该是第3个意思吧,意思是说这一年会很精彩)

9、 hawt-e staring. 帅哥在看你

10、i'm good.表示说“不用,谢谢”

11、she took my breath away.她把我迷住了。

12、major lack of male real estate 优质男市场匮乏

13 、she’s a dead ringer for katherine.(她和凯瑟琳一摸一样)

14、there’re rings and then there’s that.(e说s的戒指特别)

15、he has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃

16、i can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我余生都不会再碰车了。

17、i am cool with it.对此我很满意

18 why didn't he go for me?他为什么不喜欢我?

19.i make the deal,i keep a deal.

20. hello jone,goodby jone

21. better you die than i

22. i don't deserve you 我配不上你

23. you can trust me.这是一句让damon全无招架力的话,只要e一出此言,d就可以豁出一切~~

24.kiss me or kill me. 吻我或者杀了我。

25.better you die than i die 你死总比我死好。

26 .hello, john;goodbye ,john. 你好,john;再见,john.

27.i don't deserve you ,but my bother does. 我配不上你,但是我弟弟可以。

28.i will always choose you. 我一直都会选择你。

29.i don't mind being the bad guy;i'll make all the life and death decisions,while you'rebusy worrying about collateral damage.i'll even let her hate me for it. but at the end of the day, i'll be the one to keep her alive. 我不介意当一个坏人;但你还在忙于考虑利害关系,我已经做了生死决定;我甚至会让她因为而恨我;但是到了最后,只有我能让她活下来。

30.i promise you, i will never leave you again 我向你承诺,我永远都不会再离开你 5.two is company,three is party。 两人作伴,三人聚会

31.no matter where you go ,i will be there to pull you back;cause right now, you are all i got. 无论你走多远,我都会在这里拉你回来; 因为现在,我只有你了。

32.because when people see good,they expect good.and i don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations. 因为当人们看见好的一面,他们就期待好的。而我不想活在人们的期望中。

33.for over a century,i have lived in secret. hiding in the shadows. alone in the world. 一个世纪以来,我都秘密的活着,藏匿在黑暗中,独自一人。

34.i know the risk, but i have no choice,i have to know her. 我知道这有危险,但我没有选择,我必须认识她

35.i met a girl.we talked,and it was epic. but then the sun came up and reality set in.well,this is reality.right here. 我遇到一个女孩,wǒ men聊天,就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起,现实的生活开始,是的,这就是现实。

36.all i need in the world is my brother. 我要的是我哥哥能在这个世界上。

37.no matter what i go through to get her back,trying to fight against my blood lust and control of my life again.none of that matter if she has feelings for somebody else.无论我做什么来赢回他的心,试着控制我的嗜血并重新掌握我的人生;但是如果她心里还有别人,我所做的将毫无意义。

38.nothing wrong in free will. you'll know untill you lose it.


39.if let myself care ,all i feel is pain. 如果我让自己在乎,我能感觉到的只有痛苦。

40.no matter what i feel for you,i'll never un-feel for him. 无论我对你什么感觉,我永远都不会对他没有感觉。

41.i care about you ,that's why i let you go. 我在乎你,所以我让你走。

42.i don't surprise you kiss me ,i surprise that you thought i will kiss you back. 我不意外你吻我,我只是意外你以为我会回吻你。

43.stick together as one ,always and forever. 作为一个整体在一起,直到永远。

44.why everone is wlling to sacrifice their life just to save yours?so that let you become the best hostage. 为什么所有人都心甘情愿牺牲他们的性命只为了救你?这也就让你成为最完美的人质。 -----------rebecca

45.she will never forgive you , and "forgive" is a very long time for a vampire 她永远不会原谅你了,而“永远”对于一个吸血鬼来说是个很长的日子 ---------elijah

46.i was always one step head. 我总是快一步

47.the only thing stronger than your craving for blood is the love for this one girl. 现在唯一比你嗜血欲望更强烈是是你对这个女孩的爱

48.turn if off; i fixed him. 关掉它!! 我把他治好了

49.what i want is to take my girl,t ake my hybrid,the hell out of this one pony town 我所希望是带着我的女孩,我的混血,远远离开这个恶心的小镇

50.my whole life you’ve underestimated me,if you kill her ,you lose your leverage. 我这辈子都被你瞧不起,如果你杀了他,你就没有筹码了。

51.gentleman,the worst thing for elena gilbert is the two of you. 先生们,诶琳娜这辈子最倒霉的事就是遇上了你们俩

52. i fancy you. 我喜欢你

53.i just have to say it once,you just need to hear it. i love

you, elena..and it’s because i love you that... i can’t be selfish with you.

why you can’t know this?i don’t deserve you... but my brother does. god, i wish you didn’t

have to forget this…but you do."


54.you should have met me in

1864. 你应该早在1864年遇到我。you would have liked me . 那你就会喜欢我了。

55.i will always choose you,elena.我会永远选择你,埃琳娜. 4.no one's going to

hurt you.没人能伤害你。

56.i can't stand you hating me forever.我不能忍受你永远恨我。

57.i promise u i will never leave u again.我向你保证,我绝对不会再离开你

58.damon:i can change myself for you, i also

can give up the real me for you, just because i love you! but please you do

remember, i am not stefan! 我可以为了你改变自己,我也可以为你放弃真实的自我,只因为我爱你!但请你记住,我不是stefan

59.elena:why you don't let people see the good in you? damon:because when people

see good,they expect good.and i don't want to have to live up anyone's

expectations. e:为什么你不让别人看到你善良的一面? d:因为如果他们看见了,就会期待我一直是善良。我不想活在别人的期待中。



damon:问题是我和你在一起,我早该借认祖归宗让你远离我,应该为你和弟弟做出最好的选择,我现在就做了,你该回家了。elena:什么?不,damon。 d:我会留下来帮助jer、保护他、猎杀吸血鬼、只有我和他。 e:damon,别这样。 d:我要放你自由,elena。这就是我想要的,能让我高兴的事。

62、damon said to stefan:whenever you go too far i will be there pull you back,every second every day,till you do not need me. cause right now, you are all i got. 无论何时,只要你走极端,我就会把你拉回来, 每一天每一秒,直到你不再需要我。因为我现在只有你了。

63.no matter what i feel for you,i'll never un-feel for him.


64.i care about you ,whcih is why i choose to let you go.


65.i don't surprise you kiss me ,i surprise that you thought i will kiss you back.我不意外你吻我,我只是意外你以为我会回吻你。

66.i like you now,just the way you are.


我会  配不上  女孩  感觉  

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