★、我从来没想过我会相信一个罪犯。现在会了。wǒ men也是。
★、wǒ men要抓的团伙,喜欢迅雷不及掩耳的作案,然后像烟雾一样消失掉。
★、我活着的理念 - 就是我从来不参与游戏。
★、在工作完成之前团队只是围绕工作的组件而已。 团队必须是有效的,能干活的。
★、有事大家一起扛,他去也有个照应 两个人在一起总比一个人强。
★、所有这一切都为了十亿,值得吗? 是的,它值。 何况你的价格呢,杜姆。
★、就如同“大赦”和“特赦” ,wǒ men出生的那天,这些词就消失了。
★、她活了下来。 她在地狱走一遭,变得更坚强了。
★、youdon''t need to send a man to do a woman''s job.
★、i heard they''re doing some crazy shit in tokyo.
★、$11 million? soundslike a whole lot of vaginal activity to me.
★、it''s all between youand the car youbuild it''s a bond, it''s a commitment.
★、i live my life a quartermile at a time. nothing else matters. for those ten secondsor less, i''m free.
★、is this what a 100 million buys? it wasn′t that hard to find you, toretto.
★、she''s gotta have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit, to the good in someone. 20% angel, 80% devil. down to earth. ain''t afraid to get a little engine grease under her fingernails.
★、this code youlive by makes youpredictable. in our line of work predictable makes youvulnerable. i can reach out and break youany time i want.(经典台词 www.wenxuecui.com)
每个人身上都有属于他的代码,wǒ men可以通过代码让你变得脆弱,然后随时消灭你。