当前位置:芙蓉文章网 经典台词 《盗梦空间》经典台词(中英双语对照)


收录时间:2022/1/14 13:35:02

关键字:火车  意念  梦境  做梦  


they come here everyday to sleep? 他们每天来这做梦吗? no, they come to woken up. 不,他们是为了醒过来。 the dream has become their reality. 梦境已成了他们的现实。 who are you to say otherwise, uh? 谁又能说不是呢? so i decided to search for it, going deep into the recess of her mind and found that secret place. 于是我决定找出它, 进入她内心最隐蔽的深处,找到那个秘密。 they say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. 都说wǒ men只开发了大脑真正潜力的一小部分。 now, that's when we'er awake. 但这只是在wǒ men醒着的时候。 don't you want to take the leap of faith? or becoming an old man filled with regret waiting to die alone. 难道你不想为你的信仰冒一下险么?难道你想等你老了再后悔莫及孤老而终么? unconstructed dream space. 荒芜的梦境。 a single idea from the human mind can build cities. an idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. 人类一个简单的念头可以创造城市。一个念头可以改变世界。 she had locked something away, something.... something deep inside. 她把什么东西锁了起来...深深地锁在了她的心底。 the truth that she had once known, but she chose to forget. 她曾经知道真相,但是却选择将其遗忘。 she couldn't break free. 她无法逃脱。 so do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone? 那么,你是想放手一搏,还是要等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路? the smallest seed of an idea can grow. it can grow to define or destroy you. 一颗小小的意念种子,也会生根成形。它可能成就你,也可能毁灭你。 an idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. 想法就像病毒,顽强无比,感染性极强。 a smallest seed of an idea can grow. 再细微的念头也会生根发芽。 it can grow to define or destroy you. 它能塑造你,也能毁灭你。 but the moments past. and whatever i do,i can't chenge this moment. 但时过境迁,纵使力挽狂澜,一时无法挽回。 you mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. 亲爱的,怕什么?做梦就得做开点儿。 our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? it's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream ,do you? you always wind up right in the middle of what's going on. wǒ men做梦的时候,梦境是真实的,对不对?只有到醒来的时候才会意识到事情不对劲儿。我问你,你从来都不记得梦从何而起是不是?你总是直接插入到梦中所发生的一切。 we started it on the memories. 记忆是wǒ men的蓝图。 downwards is the only way backwards. 前进是唯一的退路。 you're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away... 你在等待一列火车,一列把你带向远方的火车... you know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't know for sure! 你知道这火车会带你到你想去的地方,但你无法确定! but it doesn't matter! 然而那都无关紧要! now tell me why! 告诉我为什么! because we'll be together! 因为wǒ men将永生相守! i broke in. then i planted an idea, a simple little idea that would change everything. 我闯了进去,然后植入了一个意念,一个简单的小小的会改变一切的意念。 that 'her world wasn't real.' “她的世界不是真实的。” 'the death was the only escape.' “死亡是唯一的出路。” you are waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away, you know where you hope it take you, but you don't know for sure, but dosen't matter, because we'll be together. 你在等一班火车,火车会带你去很远的地方,你不知道火车会带你去哪里,但你并不确定,不过不重要,因为wǒ men永远在一起。 when we'er asleep, our mind can do almost anything. 当睡着时,wǒ men的大脑几乎无所不能。 we were young men together, i'm an old man. wǒ men的年龄差不多,而现在我已垂垂老矣。 filled with regret. 心中充满悔恨。 waiting to die alone. 孤零零地等死。

火车  意念  梦境  做梦  

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