what do we love about christmas? 喜欢圣诞节的理由
what do we love about christmas; wǒ men为何喜欢圣诞节
does our delight reside in things? 是因为收到礼物而喜悦,
or are the feelings in our hearts 还是因为内心的感觉,
the real gift that christmas brings. -----圣诞节送给wǒ men的真正的礼物。
it's seeing those we love, 圣诞节让wǒ men有机会见到所爱之人,
and sending christmas cards, too, 圣诞节还可以朋友寄张卡片聊表问候( 一起感悟人生),
appreciating people who bring us joy 在圣诞节, 感谢那些给wǒ men带来欢乐的朋友,
special people just like you. 尤其是你。