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拽拽的话 喜欢哪一句 收藏起来

收录时间:2022/1/14 14:31:41

关键字:消息  手机  洪世贤  拉黑  


★、想分手就直说,别拐弯抹角的! if you want to break up, just say it, don't beat around the bush! ★、你手机是字体不够大,还是你眼瞎啊! your mobile phone is not big enough, or you are blind! ★、你连我都哄不好,你哄什么,哄洪世贤吗! you even i can't coax, you coax what, coax hong shixian! ★、这么久没回消息,说吧,你准备跪仙人掌还是榴莲! so long did not return the news, say, you are going to kneel cactus or durian!

★、等了两个小时,你才回复我一句,想直接拉黑吗! i've been waiting for two hours! ★、你是什么牌子的手机,是玩爆炸的吗? what brand of mobile phone are you playing with explosion? ★、连我的信息都不回,你在回什么,回家的诱惑吗? even my message does not return, what are you returning, the temptation to go home? ★、你连我的话都不听,你听什么,听海哭的声音吗! you don't even listen to me. what do you listen to? do you listen to the cry of the sea! ★、是游戏的执念,还是迷人的初恋,让你连我的消息都看不见! is the obsession of the game, or charming first love, so that you can't even see my news! ★、一天到晚不回消息,不知道的以为你去火星了! i don't know if you went to mars! ★、天气有点凉,你是想戴什么颜色的帽子,绿色的吗! it's a bit cold. what color of hat do you want to wear, green one!

消息  手机  洪世贤  拉黑  

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